To transfer an animal the vendor must complete the details required on the reverse side of the registration certificate and post the registration certificate, along with the correct payment to the National Office.

The Society regulation states it is the responsibility of the Vendor to pay the transfer fee and ensure the completed registration card is returned to the Office for processing. Although many Vendors/Buyers negotiate private terms regarding this matter.

Transfers are now also accepted electronically, to send a transfer electronically the office requires:

  • a photo of the front of the registration card
  • a photo of rear of the registration card (with all transfer details fully completed including vendor signature/s, date/s of sale and new owner details)
  • a photo of the registration card torn up
  • payment of the transfer fee (please note a small additional fee of $5 is payable for electronic transfers as a new card is required)

The transfer must be lodged in the National Office within 42 days (6 weeks) of the purchase date. Penalty fees apply after this time.

TRANSFER within 42 days (6 weeks) of the date of sale           $25                

TRANSFER between 43 and 90 days from the date of sale       $35

TRANSFER after 90 days from the date of sale                           $50

Once the transfer is completed the back of the registration card is endorsed with a date stamp and the Society logo over the name of the new owner. The details are updated on the Stud Book and the card returned to the new owner.

Within the week if the new owner is a current financial member. If the owner is not a member of the Society, it can take up to 4 weeks once the Office has received the application for new membership.

  • Date of sale is missing.
  • Signature not completed correctly.
  • New owner is not a current financial member.
  • The information on the back of the registration certificate may have been altered or liquid paper may have been used.
  • Incorrect fee paid.
  • Dates incorrect.

If any of these things are discovered to be wrong with the registration submission, the Office will email a letter to the vendor to notify them of the error/s and request further information be sent to the Office. At this point the paperwork is placed in FILE under the anticipated name of the pony, waiting for this additional information to arrive back at the Office. Once they arrive at the Office the FILE is retrieved, and the transfer process continues. Administration fees may be charged in this instance.  

One transfer, providing it was signed and dated over to the past owner can be skipped. Have that owner sign the pony over to the new owner to establish the pony is now sold on again (even if the past owners were non members). If more than one transfer has taken place and the Society has not been notified the new owner is required to complete a Owner Statutory declaration acknowledging legal ownership and identifying the pony as the one and the same pony as per the Registration Certificate. Make sure that the name of the pony that you have purchased appears on the Statutory Declaration. If the registration card is lost then the vendor of the pony must also complete a declaration attesting that they were the legal owner of the pony. The breeder may also be required to verify the pony’s identity through photos supplied. Please contact the office for the relevant forms and information you require.


To lease an animal the lessor and the lessee must complete the details required on the lease form and post or email this form, along with the correct payment to the National Office.

A lease can not be open ended. The maximum period of time for a lease is 3 years. Only the person leasing the pony is required to be a current financial member for the lease to be recorded.

The lease must be lodged in the National Office within 42 days (6 weeks) of the lease date. Penalty fees apply after this time.

LEASE within 42 days (6 weeks) of the date of lease                $30                

LEASE between 43 and 90 days from the date of lease            $40

LEASE after 90 days from the date of lease                                $60


Once the lease is processed a letter is sent to both the lessor and the lessee with the details of the lease for their records. A lease certificate is also produced and sent to the lessee. The original registration certificate remains with the registered owner. Do not sent this certificate to the National Office with the lease application form. The details are updated on the Stud Book.

The Society does not become involved in legal disputes. It is recommended that an individual contract be entered into between the Owner & Lessee.

If the lease is cancelled prior to the end date, then a letter needs to be sent into the National Office from both the lessee (stating that the pony has been returned back to the owner and the date that the pony was returned) and the lessor (stating that they have received the pony back and the date the pony was returned to them). These letters need to be signed and dated and the letter from the lessee needs to have the lease certificate attached to it.


If you have lost your original registration certificate, you are able to apply for a duplicate certificate if you are the current recorded owner of the pony. Once the duplicate certificate request is processed the registration certificate will be sent to the current recorded owner of the pony.

A transfer of ownership can occur at the same time as the request for the duplicate certificate. Transfer fees apply and once processed the registration certificate will be sent to the new owner of the pony.




A service certificate is imperative to enable registration of foals if you are the breeder but not the owner of the stallion at the time of service. These can be purchased from the National Office as a book of 20 for $15.00 (this document is in duplicate, so is not available as a form on the website).

Any breeders using their stallions to service outside mares will be required to supply a service certificate to the owner of the dam. The Certificate must state the dates the dam was served, the method of service or insemination, specify the stallion and be signed by the stallion owner and then forwarded to the National Office with the registration form of the foals.


DNA fingerprinting can be requested for AI foals, mares or animals for import/export. A DNA kit will posted once the application has been processed.




PLEASE NOTE: The Society will not become involved in any dispute relating to the sale or use of frozen semen and will rely on the submission of a Semen Transfer of Ownership form or Service Certificate when registering any foal produced by a stallion registered with the Society or a Service Certificate or copy of a registration for the foal from an approved breed society where it is believed that such a document has been required for the registration.

Similarly, The Society will not become involved in any dispute relating to the ownership of foals produced by embryo or ovum transfer or the ownership of frozen embryos and will rely on the submission of Embryo Ownership or Embryo Sale forms when registering any foal produced.

Ponies conceived through frozen semen must be parent verified to both sire and dam. For a WPCS registered stallion the DNA will already be on file, therefore DNA profiles will only need to be done for the pony being registered and the Dam.

It is strongly recommended that DNA for the Dam is done prior to foaling in the unfortunate event that the mare dies giving birth. There is no need to re-test the mare if she has been DNA tested previously and the result recorded with the society.

Where the Society does not have the DNA profile of the stallion on record, it must be forwarded to the office for allocation of a DNA number and for parent verification of progeny. For stallions who are registered with overseas societies, or are deceased, it may be necessary to approach international organisations to obtain a copy of the DNA profile and permission to supply it to the WPCSA Inc.

The registration form for the progeny should have the AI frozen semen box ticked at the breeder’s declaration

If the breeder is not the recorded owner of the sire/semen at insemination, either a service certificate signed by the owner of the stallion/semen, or a Transfer of Ownership of Semen form (if the semen has been purchased) must be supplied. A book of service certificates can be purchased from the office for $11.

The registration will be completed once DNA results and all correctly completed paperwork are received at the office.

Semen is a saleable commodity and may be sold to another party. When selling frozen semen, the vendor must complete a Transfer of Ownership of Semen form and give this to the purchaser. A copy of this form should be forwarded to the office and will need to be submitted with the registration paperwork of the resulting foal. If the semen is sold on, another Transfer of Ownership of Semen form must be completed for the new purchaser.

Please note that a lessee of a stallion cannot freeze and store semen without written authority from the owner of the stallion to the Society.

A service certificate is not required where a Transfer of Ownership of Semen form is supplied showing ownership.

If a stallion is sold and semen is retained by the vendor, it is essential that the vendor notifies the society the number of straws that have been retained using a Semen/Embryo Retention form. Failure to do so may result in the semen not being able to be used without the consent of the purchaser.

Importing semen

Where semen has been imported the following is required to be sent to the office:

  • Copy of sire’s registration/passport from other society
  • Copy of sire’s 5 generation pedigree
  • Sire’s full DNA profile
  • Copy of transfer of ownership of semen form reflecting ownership of semen

Exporting semen

If you are exporting semen, please notify the office at least one month prior to export. The office will require the recipient and destination country, and payment of a semen export fee, after which an AI Semen Export Certificate will be issued

If the donor mare is served by AI, the owner must first comply with the Society’s AI requirements

The recorded owner of the donor mare at time of collection is deemed to be the owner of the embryo unless:

  • The mare is leased – however PLEASE NOTE – A lessee of a donor mare cannot freeze and store embryos without written authority from the owner of the mare to the Society, or,
  • The embryo is purchased, and an Embryo Sale form is supplied – as per frozen semen, embryos are as saleable commodity and may be on sold – if so, a new Embryo Sale form must be supplied.

If a donor mare is WPCS registered and is sold or leased after embryos have been implanted into a recipient mare or frozen it is essential that the office be notified on the Embryo Ownership form detailing the status of all embryos to be retained should the owner of the dam at the time of collection wish to retain ownership of the embryos. Failure to do so may result in the embryo not being able to be used without the consent of the purchaser.

If you are importing an embryo, please notify the office at least one month prior to its import to arrange payment of import fee and paperwork. The DNA profiles of sire and dam of the embryo must be supplied from the exporting registry. Please note that a foal will be registered in the name of the owner with the exporting registry unless an Embryo Sale form is lodged showing ownership. DNA parent verification, an application for registration and payment of applicable fees will be required to register the resulting foal. A service certificate signed by the owner of the sire of the embryo will be required to list him as the sire.


Important note about Foundation stock

Please be aware that Foundation Stock animals registered with the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia may not directly trace back to animals registered in the WPCS UK stud book. Subsequently, not all Australian Foundation Stock animals or their progeny will be eligible for registration with overseas societies. It is the responsibility of both purchaser and vendor to ensure any animals for import or export meet the relevant criteria.

Importing a pony/cob overseas

To import a pony/cob, the office requires the following:

  • A PHOTOCOPY of the animal’s overseas passport
  • An export certificate (or confirmation from the exporting society that the animal has left the country of origin)
  • a copy of the 5 generation pedigree
  • a full DNA profile from the country of origin (if the pony has not been DNA tested, this must occur before the registration will proceed. DNA kits can be ordered from the Office for a fee of $70
  • the WPCSoA registration application form to be completed (including markings page),
  • an import fee of $110.00 AUD
  • New owners must be a Full financial member of the Society

Exporting a pony/cob overseas

There is no form to export a pony or cob. The registration certificate with the transfer details on the reverse side is all that is required with the fee of $70.00. This must be sent directly to the Office as per any other transfer.

As per a standard transfer, the new owners details, date of sale and vendors signature MUST be provided. It is recommended that anyone exporting a pony contacts the relevant overseas Welsh Society to check requirements. Many overseas Societies require the exported animal to be DNA cross matched against both the Sire and Dam before leaving Australia. The office will process the export and send the overseas Society the necessary documents and the registration certificate to the new overseas owner.


The Editing Committee subject to the following conditions may consider the transfer of a pony or cob from one Section to another and the transfer may be authorised by the COM.

A. Transfer may only be taken from:

  • Section A to Section B, of stock which has grown over 12hh.
  • Section C to Section D, of stock which has grown over 13.2hh.
  • Section D to Section C, of stock seven years or older, which does not exceed 13.2hh.

B. The request for transfer must be made in writing to the Society.

C. The request must be accompanied by:

  1. A Certified letter signed by two Society Inspectors whose names appear on the current panel for the Section to which it is proposed to transfer the animal, or (NOTE: the current list of inspectors can be found on the Showing/Judges page) PLEASE NOTE: Tier 3 Judges are not eligible to inspect ponies for the purpose of Change of Section or Foundation Stock registration.
  2. An EFA/RAS height certificate and a recommendation from one Society Inspector as described above.

D. The Certified letter must recommend the transfer on the grounds of height (certified by measurement of height, not estimation), type and character.