The breeding year is from 1st of August to the 31st of July.
Once registered with the Welsh Pony & Cob Society the pony is recorded for life with the Society. It will be designated a registration number unique to that pony. This records all of the details associated with that pony such as breeding, colour, brands and breeder. Ownership details are required to be updated as the pony is sold/gifted on.
For a Welsh pony or cob or Part Welsh to be eligible to be registered the *breeder must be a full financial member of the Society and must have a prefix registered with the Society. The breeder must own or be the current leasee of the dam at the time of foaling. The member may or may not be the owner of the sire. If the sire was not owned by the breeder at the time of service, a service certificate signed by the stallion owner is required to be included with the registration form. *See reciprocal registration information below regarding registration of animals which are already registered with other societies.
All paperwork for any Welsh registration (*excluding Part Welsh and Section E geldings) must be received at the National Office prior to the 31st of July of that breeding season or administration fees will be applied. The administration fee for late registration for mare/filly and colts is the registration fee multiplied by the number of years overdue after the 1st of August year following year of birth. *Part Welsh and Section E geldings may be registered at any age.
Forms can be emailed or posted to the National Office for processing. If you email the forms do not post them to the office as well, this may risk being charged twice. Payment for registrations must be included.
If you wish to submit photos in lieu of completing the markings page of the registration form, this is acceptable. Please ensure that you provide clear full body photos from the near and the off side, and of the pony’s face.